Okay, hmm, you know what, I'm super-excited about this cardigan that I just bought today, but now I'm confused as to how to describe it exactly. I thought I could call it 'military-inspired cardigan', but I think the politically-correct term would have to be 'marching band-inspired cardigan'. What do you think?
Anyway, I love the fact that it's navy-blue and has got cream piping. It's classic colour combo, thank you.
love it! perfect for spring, as a matter of fact, I wanna get one myself!
Are you for real?
i think is a bit marching band! unless u mix with other stuff, it could be cool! as long NIDJI not wearing it! it'l be cool!
Hahaha, why you said NIDJI would wear it? Image mereka sekarang lagi gaya marching band gitu ya? Semakin dianggap Coldplay-nya Indo dong, hehehe.
Hey nice lovely T-shirt.
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